There was a time not so long ago when travelling on a plane with an air ticket in the pocket was something only the rich could afford. No matter how important the occasion or how urgent the emergency, one did not even entertain the thought of catching a flight and reaching a particular destination. All that one could think of as options were either crowded buses or trains.
Today however, air travel has come to be a lot cheaper and no matter what the financial status of a person may be, everyone who puts his mind to it can travel on a flight. In fact there are many who simply catch a flight without any particular reason only in order to simply fulfill the fantasy of being on airplane at least once in their lives, and all this they owe to the affordability that is associated with air travel today.
Today, the cost of an air ticket has considerable come down and there are many factors responsible for this. And among the most important are the factors of competition, technology, and of course the change that globalization has brought to our doorstep. Competition ensures that more and more airlines play their hand at capturing as much of the market as possible and many of them accomplish this by offering tickets at low prices.
Technology ensures that the costs of operations are reduced considerable today. And globalization has ensured that buying an air ticket is an option for most today, thanks to the reach of airlines in almost all the corners of the globe today.